Dr. Davoud Mashhadijafarlou


Davoud Mashhadijafarlou is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His current research involves experimental and numerical analysis of fracture and fatigue behavior of additively manufactured metallic materials produced by direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) and cold spray (CS) coating. The particular emphasis in this research is placed on the application of cold spray deposited ceramic matrix composite for improving fracture strength and fatigue performance of DMLS produced stainless steel components.

Dr. Mashhadijafarlou has a research background in materials science engineering spanning over a decade. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Malaya, the same university where he received his M.Sc. While he was in Malaysia, he spent a significant amount of time at the Centre of Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Processing. At the Centre, he conducted research on fatigue analysis of nanostructure alloys produced by severe plastic deformation (SPD) and finite element analysis of metal forming processes.  

Publications in 2018:

#1 Jafarlou, D.M., Walde, C., Champagne, V.K., Krishnamurty, S. and Grosse, I.R., 2018. Influence of cold sprayed Cr 3 C 2-Ni coating on fracture characteristics of additively manufactured 15Cr-5Ni stainless steel. Materials & Design.

#2 Jafarlou, D.M., Champagne, V.K. and Grosse, I.R., 2018, March. Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of 15Cr-5Ni Stainless Steel Produced by Direct Metal Laser Sintering. In TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (pp. 75-84). Springer, Cham.